A zoom talk by Jonathan Colbert
Sunday 23rd February – 6pm UK Time
“There is neither teacher nor teaching, learner nor learning, neither thou nor I, nor this empirical universe; I am universal self-consciousness, the reality which is untinctured by any modification. I am the secondless, supreme and attributeless Bliss of Shiva”.
Shri Shankaracharya
Shiva is reverenced by millions as the quintessential paradyme of spiritual discipline, ascetism, renunciation and regeneration. Representing a bridge between the transcendent and the immanent, between heaven and earth, we will explore some of the reasons why this sphinx like and enigmatic figure is so spiritually compelling and so psychologically therapeutic.
Jonathan Colbert is a third generation theosophist, and a regular speaker and associate at ULTs in San Diego and Santa Barbara. He presented on “Revering Nature: Towards a Theosophical Ecology” at Krotona, Ojai, CA, and “Meditation, Self-Study and the Therapeutics of Speech” at Adyar, both presentations above have been published in “The Theosophist”. He also served on the Board of Directors of International Theosophy Conferences from 2016-2022.
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Jonathan Colbert