The Book of Dzyan and the Music of the Spheres – Petra Meyer

Sunday 26th January – 6pm UK Time

                   a zoom talk by Petra Meyer

According to HPB “The Book of Dzyan” on which the Secret Doctrine is based, is the first volume of commentaries upon the seven secret folios of Kiu-Te or the Buddha’s secret teachings, which seems to be withdrawn from the outer world. But the researchers are hopeful that the Book of Dzyan will be made available in the not-too-distant future, as it would have a major impact on the academic world, undermining its scepticism towards Theosophy.

Petra Meyer worked as a Legal Secretary in Essen/Germany. In 1984 she moved from Germany to England with her family. She joined the TS in 1991 and the Blavatsky Lodge in 1992. In 2016 she became President of the Blavatsky Lodge, a position which she still holds.

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January 26 @ 18:00
18:00 — 19:30 (1h 30′)


Petra Meyer